Monday, April 30, 2012

Post @ how disks break down from the fluid from a herniated disk in the neck


I had similar issues about 3-4 years ago that the doctors thought was either a pinched nerve or carpel tunnel. I was working-out and playing more sports at the time, so that sort of masked the idea that it could be related to sax playing. What it ended up being was a herniated disc in my neck, which wasn't caused by - but was certainly made worse by, hanging a sax from my neck.

This problem started out minor and became worse. It starts out as a bulging or compressed disc, where the soft tissue starts to push out a little and comes in contact with the nerve roots that go to your neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. Eventually, the disc breaks down and fluid leaches out from inside (herniated) and causes an even greater interuption of the nerve roots. Picture a jelly donut that gets compressed until the stuff inside comes out.

Anyway - I don't want to alarm you, but I did want to mention this as a possibility because when I look up in the air, after about 10-15 seconds my arm is tingling like crazy (even the top part of my arm)  This was exactly the types of tests my doctor and physical therapist did which made them suspect it was a herniated disc. Then I had an MRI which confirmed it. If the doctors can diagnose this when the disc is still just bulging, then there are things they can do to prevent it from advancing to herniated (mostly physical therapy)

The good news is - even though mine was labelled as "catestrophic" in severity, I did not need surgery. I just went to physical therapy to focus on core strength - and yes - drink lots of water! Also - inversion therapy (where you hang upside down) helps tremendously.

Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Hey, I got the same issues. Started about 2-3 months ago and it's robbing my sleep. Doctor? Not yet. I'm going for a body massage first then see what happens. Couple of things. My wife had surgery for carpel tunnel and it did help, but just.

For me, I had the scare of my life 3 years ago and I'm gun shy about things wrong with my body.
Spent a year getting tested by orthopedic doctors for pain in my arm running up to my shoulder and neck. All 5 Dr's said I needed my 6 & 7 disk replaced. I've never been in a hospital, let along cut. So, I was just about to make my appointment to get cut when a Dr friend suggested one more doctor, but this time it was a neurologist dr., someone who deals with nerve issues. Well he looks at my xrays & mri's and tells me that this issue is not my vertebrae's but a nerve in my elbow going through my elbow carpel. He gave me some new workouts and told me that if it doesn't clear up in a few months he would do some minor surgery on my elbow in his office. It cleared up.
Sorry for the long of it, but sharing this type of info could save some pain. This will be the DR I see if my hand & fingers numbness and pain don't stop.
I will repost after my massage.

Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I'm dealing with something very similar in my left shoulder/arm for a few weeks. The tingling pain was bad enough that I thought I might have dislocated my shoulder- it seemed to me to radiate from there. And my hand felt weak- I couldn't grip stuff very strongly. I finally broke down and threw some cash at an MD yesterday- he thinks it's a pinched nerve in my neck. Ice helps a lot-- I was mistakenly using a heating pad before. Now less than 24 hours after seeing the MD and using ice every hour or so and I feel about 40% better. I was told I need to do mild stretches as well.

  Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Quote Originally Posted by JazzedView Post
I finally broke down and threw some cash at an MD yesterday- he thinks it's a pinched nerve in my neck.
If this a good MD it's worth taking your horn along showing him what he actually happens when you play.

A normal saxophone strap can put pressure on your spin and on the arteries at the side of your neck.
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I'm sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office right now as I'm writting this waiting to be tested for thoracic outlet syndrome. My entire left arm goes numb all the time. Even while I'm just sitting watching TV. It wakes me up at night, the arm goes so dead numb it wakes me up. Doesn't matter what position I sleep in. 6 months ago I got a huge blood clot from my shoulder down to my elbow. Been on coumadin since then and the numbness is better, not as severe.

 Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I've had the exact same problem over the past few years. I've regularly seen a chiropractor for many years and this does seem to help with the problem. I started getting the same type of pain down into my feet recently as well, so I had full spinal X-Rays taken in order to find out if there was nerve impingement happening in the little holes the the nerves come out of on the sides of the spine (I forget the name of them). I was told that there was nothing really major wrong, probably just some nerves that are inflamed at the spine.

Nerve Inflammation can be controlled by several things- ice, anti-inflammatory drugs (Naproxin, Ibuprophin), and one of the best ways: an anti-inflammatory diet. (

If you are like most saxophonists then there is probably also some amount of carpal tunnel irritation happening with you as well. Besides Otto's very good stretches, I have found that I get a lot of relief from Graston soft tissue treatment from my chiropractor (

If your pain is also in your shoulder then the issue is most likely, as your doctor said, a nerve impingement in your neck. Controlling the inflammation as much as you can would definitely help, but another thing that might help would be THAI MASSAGE. I've gotten regular deep tissue massages for many years, but after discovering Thai massage I'll never do anything else. They say that Thai massage is like Yoga for the lazy man, they stretch you in ways that you would never do on your own. Thai massage can really open up bound up joints like nothing else. When your neck muscles get locked up from playing saxophone or from using the computer they will affect the nerves that go down your shoulder and into your arm and hand. Thai massage can do wonders.

Good luck Neff. I feel your pain, literally.
Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Well, I am going to the orthopedic surgeon on Monday. I've tried to go to others before, but they always want me to wait for hours and I don't have hours. Hopefully this time will be different. I hate the thought of elbow and wrist surgery, but last weekend the pain in my left wrist was so bad I couldn't use my left hand at all. It swelled up too for the first time. I'm hoping surgery will mean I can get back to playing. Hopefully you'll find a different fix for your problem Steve!

Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Well, they scheduled my tests for the wrong day so I had to reschedule for Feb 25th so I'm still waiting. The tingling and numbness in my hands isn't happening as much but now I have pain in the upper middle of my back and when I sit at the computer and type I get the tingling there in my back where my spinal cord is. When I touch that area there is a bump there that feels sore. My wife looked at it ( she's a nurse) and she thought it looked like there was swelling there. I guess we'll wait until the 25th and see what happens then. The arm still goes numb and tingles when I look up at about 25 seconds so I'm pretty sure it's a pinched nerve.
Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Oh, no, you mean it's spreading? I don't think that you are old enough to have all of these problems! Be sure and have your wife keep an eye on any spreading swelling. Like they say in the commercial, consult a physician if you have a swelling that lasts for more than four hours:-)! At least an MRI will give you a good idea of what is going on. Then come the tough choices on what to do about it. I've been resisting back, elbow, and wrist surgery for several years.....I'm thinking of throwing in the towel on two out of three, depending on what the surgeon tells me. That's assuming I don't walk out tomorrow because he kept me waiting too long. I hate doctor's offices because they don't know what the word "appointment" means! Good luck Neffmeister!
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I had tingling and numbness in two fingers of my left hand. A chiropractor friend of mine grabbed my forearm and the tingling/numbness went away. He said it was a twisted nerve, that it would go away in time. He was correct, but it took a great deal of time. A physical therapist probably could "fix" that and your back in a shorter period of time.

Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Well, the orthopedic surgeon is sending me for an MRI and X-rays on my elbow and to the neurologist for some nerve testing of my wrist and hand. Hopefully they will be able to figure it out within my lifetime!

 Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I ended up having numbness in my left hand that progressed to my elbow. Then it moved to my right elbow and hand as well. Eventually the numbness became so bad that I could not lie down to sleep because my arms would go numb from the shoulder down (had to sleep sitting up). I went to see a chiropractor and got adjusted every few days for the first three weeks. My problem ended up being atrophy of the trapezius muscles that allowed some of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae to shift forward and down, pinching the nerves. I put myself on an exercise regimen to strengthen my entire body and I became 80% better within six to eight months. The last 20% came hard, but I overcame it. If I were you, I would talk to my chiropractor and doctor about exercises you could do to avoid surgery, if possible. If surgery is your only hope, then do it. If you have other alternatives, try those first. Exercise can do wonders, if you are willing. Good luck and keep us posted.
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Still waiting for my Gemini Harness but I've made a decision never to get another massage. A day after I had it my sciatic nerve started acting up and now I've pain you would not believe. I guess I'll go to the neurosurgical guy and ask about this and the original problem of numbness and needles and pins in my left hand fingers. Old sucks!

 Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Advise on drinking water: By the time you are " thirsty " you are probably already dehydrated. It's surprising how many people don't like to drink water, but will drink everything else, like coffee, soda, booze...all of them dehydrate. Most of us do not drink even near the amount of water our bodies ( and brains ) require. Drink it a sip at a time, spread out your intake. If you just gulp down a whole glass or bottle of water, you will soon excrete most of it. I train fighters who, against my advice, will sauna and drink diuretics to lose those few pounds on water weight before weigh in. I have them use the drinking method above to replenish. Not drinking enough water can effect your energy, concentration and causes a whole list of physical problems. It's important to sax players to drink water when you are playing...especially if you drink on your gigs. Booze dehydrates!
I carry several bottles of water with me all the time. The body requires about eight, 8oz glasses of water a day. You will have more energy and will stay looking younger, as water hydrates the skin.
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Regarding water- yes it is true most people don't consume enough. I have had issues with kidney stones, so I try to increase my intake as much as possible. My Nephrologist suggests that one quick way to know if you are consuming enough is that the urine should be nearly clear. If it is yellow or darker, you are not getting enough water.

For arm (or other pain) that is associated with playing. I would never take it lightly. One would not want to risk losing the ability to play. There are clinics which deal specifically with musician issues, such as

They can do wonders

 Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I believe you do have to be v careful of any kind of tingling. Good luck Nefertiti.
Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Well, my elbow MRI showed a tear in my ulnar collateral ligament. That might help explain my theory that my ulnar bone is misaligned and splaying outward, putting pressure on my wrist ligament and pinching my median nerve. I was supposed to have the nerve tests done this week, but the neurologist made me wait over my limit(one hour) so I left. I have an appointment with another neurologist next friday........

Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Well spent a good hour with my neurologist last week to address my numbness and pain in my left hand. He did not think it was due to my neck strap. His guess is that in Dec & Jan we had a lot of snow which I used the snowblower and shovel for days and aggrevated the nerves in my left arm, mainly the wrist area. He put me on a steroid pack for a week. Seems to be getting much better. However, the same day my Gemini shoulder harness came so it's been a week. I'll never go back to the neck strap. It took me about 10 minutes to get it adjusted and I practiced for 2 hours like never before. Amazing how much I was wiggling and taking breaking because of the neck pressure. So, I guess it's good news for me, for now anyway. I wonder what's next? Another snow storm!

Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I met with a neurologist today. He did a bunch of tests and thinks it's my neck. He's gonna send me to get a MRI to see whats going on in there. He also thought it would be a good idea to get one of my head to make sure it isn't related to another tumor or something. Better safe than sorry! The numbness and tingling has gone away for the last few weeks but now it is replaced with pain. It's in my neck, shoulder and arm..............
 Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Acupuncture is helping me - my excruciating pain is down by about 90% after 3 sessions. I was very skeptical but had several friends that said acupuncture worked for them. I'm now using a Gemini harness for tenor too, switching to a high stand sometimes. I should point out that my issues started after doing some heavy landscaping work and spending a lot of time at a piano.
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
I just got back from the neurologist's office. Testing showed I have severe carpel tunnel in both wrists. He said I was too far gone for acupuncture(he does that too). I was afraid that waiting all these years meant severe permanent nerve damage and he confirmed that. To any of you out there that just started having problems, please don't be careless and keep putting it off like I did.

Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Quote Originally Posted by NefertitiView Post
I met with a neurologist today. He did a bunch of tests and thinks it's my neck. He's gonna send me to get a MRI to see whats going on in there. He also thought it would be a good idea to get one of my head to make sure it isn't related to another tumor or something. Better safe than sorry! The numbness and tingling has gone away for the last few weeks but now it is replaced with pain. It's in my neck, shoulder and arm..............
Hi Nefertiti
I've only just seen this thread now. MRI is the only way to go. Have to rule out cervical herniated disc or stenosis of the nerve root canal.

Hope you will soon know the problem and then be able to deal with it accordingly!
Best wishes
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Quote Originally Posted by Pete ThomasView Post
Hope you can get it sorted. If it's your neck, then I would really recommend you look into the cebulla neckstrap as it keeps all pressure off the spine.
Thanks Pete. I'll check that out. I had a really hard time playing yesterday. My neck, upper back and shoulder were killing me. My MRI is on the 12th so we'll see what they say. I'd love to get this thing resolved.

Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
By the way I started doing these McKenzie neck exercises. They have taken away alot of the pain but now it seems like the tingling and numbness is even worse. The McKenzie exercises worked great for my lower back years ago also.

 Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
Well, depends on where the pinched nerve is. Mine are in my spine due to four bulging discs. I use an inversion table several times a day, which has been a God send for me. Thanks to it I don't normally need to walk with a cane anymore. If it's in your neck or shoulder, massage and chiropractic adjustments can be helpful.
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
My carpal tunnel solution seems to be working on my left hand. I just received the ones for my right hand in the mail today. The orthopedic surgeon told me today that I should play wait and see before resorting to surgery.
Default Re: Tingling and numbness in arm and hand.......?
You must be so frustrated by now Steve, and the insurance angle really just seems wrong. Good luck with the McKenzie exercises and any other suggestions you get. (I wish I had one for you.)

U know, after reading this and seeing how my symptoms really compare to someone that is having trouble with a herniated disk, in their neck. IT is unbelievable how I have FELT AND THOUGHT that this has been MOST of my problem ALL along! My Chiro friend was right, I believe. He said that I had a screw that was placed right on top of a my neck and he also said that if, I didn't get it out...that I could/would lose the use of my arms and legs.:(*(
THEY can't SEE what is going on in MY NECK, because I have titanium plates in there, from my surgery of the C5-C6spinal diskectomy.
HOW AM I GOING TO GET THIS THOROUGHLY SEEN, IF I HAVE THE TITANIUM PLATES IN THERE COVERING IT UP? They will have to come out or a Camera put in to really get a visual of what is going on IN THERE!!
God Bless always...:)))<3 Karen

Friday, April 13, 2012

Post @ muscle twitching and jerking limbs



I really am posting this to all of u, but GTO67 caught my attention when they mentioned the part where the limbs twitch and jerk...and when everyone else seems to be still, when I seem to have to twitch or jerk. I have also been asked, if I knew that my head bobbled some. I really believe I do have neurological deficits, somewhere in my Central Nervous system or something. THIS is not anxiety...I don't believe it. I have never been anxious or nervous. I have always been patient and easy going, until after I had surgery on my neck and was hit by a nerve block(ESI) of my Thoracic.

"Allright, Im caught in this loop of muscle jerking and twitching. It goes like this: If im moving around (Walking, moving my body, ETC) ill get limb jerks, my arm, leg, head, whatever im moving, will move hard, or off, or wobbily. And when im sitting my muscles will twitch and my legs and arms and feet and all limbs will jerk suddenly at random (only one jerk, not liek a seizure or constant jerking, just once). Can anxiety cause this? Ive been trying to ignore this but thats not stoping it. Then I tell mself that it must be something else because it happens when I dont worry. I also cannot stop figgeting and moving around. Ill notice other people are sitting quietly and ill be twitching or touching myself, i cannot sit still at all. Does anyone know anything about this?"

When I copied what u said to quote it, some other words popped up that I didn't see in ur post or in any of the others for that matter, but some were things that I have a Head injury(I did experience a head injury, in a car accident where I hit my head on the roof of the car and had a bad headache 10-15min. afterward) I did eventually have to have a C5-C6 spinal diskectomy because my head was forced in a downward positon. I also do not have ANY curve in my Cervical vertebrea. I was also diagnosted as having a Chiari Malformation of 6.5mm.(It is said that a person experiences neurological defecits over 5.5mm) I am really wondering @ this one, because my CM is 6.5, which makes me a candidate for neurological deficits. They changed this to Tonsilar Ectopia, so I don't know much @ it, but looking it up as we speak.

Head and face reconstruction( I didn't have reconstruction of the face persay, but they had to shave my hair...up to the top of my temples for another surgery that I had back years ago, a bone spur removal from left jaw) It was back 24 years ago and thought maybe, I had scar tissue or adheshions somewhere in there, from that surgery.

I have so many questions that it seems impossible to get the answer, but THIS is not anxiety...I don't believe it. I might be seeming anxious now, but that is because I just want answers and am fed-up being sick and being stuck in my BED. I am sooo sick and tired of being SICK!!

I have so many questions...Why does my face stay numb all day and the back of my neck stay tight and tense like a vice-grip is holding me? Why do I feel like my face is being pulled downward? Why do I have cramps/spasms in my neck?Why does the top of my head still hurt and sometimes, I can't even touch the top of my head? Why does my hair even feel like it hurts? Why does it feel like someone is pressing their thumb into my temples? I experience so many head pains and on my temporal region, it actually feels like someone is pressing inward on my head and sometimes, I will get totally numb on the left side of my face.
I must say that I have never been an anxious or nervous person. I have always been patient and easy going, that is until here recently from all of the stress from the pain, cramping, burning, aching and all of the agony that my body is dealing with. I still am a very patint lay-back person...and just don't think anxiety is the answer.  I have never experienced PAIN like this in my life...only after, the surgery on my neck did I start going downhill. Then, trying to relieve the pain...was I hit by a nerve block(ESI) of my, there is a legitimate answer, I just can't give up.

After, I had that surgery on my neck I had to take medication that I never had to take, in my life. Before, the surgery I never even took anything for a headache hardly,never had to...much less these strong medications that the Docs have put me on and I do feel that IT, could be the culprit of most of my tremors and spasms and the toxic feeling that I experience. I believe medications, could be most of our problems, but what is a person to do that is in utter "Heck" from all of the agony their body is dealing with and in? It seems like the Docs just keep giving it to me, but I just want to FLUSH it all. I wish, I never had to take another pill!!
Also, due to ALL of the pain that I was experiencing after sugery, I was told that I needed to receive nerve blocks...that it, would relieve this pain. yah...yah...yah...NO, IT is a very dangerous procedure. I went ahead and did the series of 3 Epidural Steroid Injections, due to me not being able to even work or get anything done....and I was hit by a nerve block(ESI) of my Thoracic. I experienced what was called a "wet tap"..and it actually felt like a bolt of lightening had struck me, while I was just laying there and wonder if they hit my spinal cord or something.
I want to say that I had been a healthy person my whole life, until after my surgery. I know...I have NEVER felt so bad in my life...and sometimes, the pain can be unbearable. I just want to get well.
I have so many symptoms that it feels like I could even be dying sometimes, but I don't want to seem dramatic, but this IS a very dramatic situation here...It is BAD. I hurt so much and just want to feel somewhat like the person, I used to know.:(
I felt great b4 I had that surgery and only had a small sleeping problem, but it even makes me wonder that IF it all started, when I hit my head on the roof of that car...But I went right back into working 60+ hrs. a week, like nothing was wrong. The only thing that happened was that 8 years later, I got to where I couldn't find a comfortable place to rest my head, when I tried to sleep at night. I would move so many times that even my hubby would ask me, "Can't u find a good place to rest ur head?"

It feels like something is terribly wrong in my body, but the NS won't look any further, because he can't see behind the titanium plates. He wouldn't do further testing to definitely rule out that it is the surgery or not that he did on my, I am still trying to find an answer...6 yrs later.
I appreciate anyone who responds. I need someone to give me a direction or someone who can give me some answers...OR HOPE EVEN.
I am sorry that this is so put-together and messy, but my mind is having trouble concentrating or focusing. I experience so much hormonal imbalance, because I was diagnosed having Addison's disease, to which does make a person have memory loss, emotional distress, incognitive moments and an array of other symptoms, but there is something else going on. My Endocrinologist even told me that I did have something else occuring with me and has sent me to a hand-picked Neurologist to see what he can find.
I really hate that my memory is affected. It really is hard, not finding it stored...where it suppose to be. It is giving me such a hard time to find the right words or I say the wrong things. There has been times where I will say thank u and really mean to say ur welcome. I will write words backward...and not just once or twice..I will do it over and over. I really have to concentrate to do what I want to do. My body seems not to function properly. It is like I have a short circuit somewhere.
If there are any of u out there, who read this....that are searching for answers like me...there is one thing that I can say....the main thing is to FIND the right Doc to treat u. Who do we see? Well, I truly believe that I do have a Central Nervous System problem, but where did my problem arise from? Is it from one of my surgeries, the nerve block or some Autoimmune disease other than the Addison's.
I hope...all of u have found ur answers and are on the road to recovery.
Take care and God Bless always.:))<3 Karen
Ps. I will keep watch here and update this information, for I feel I am on the right track and I'm getting closer to finding my, don't give up looking for urs, as well.:)